Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Surprise Gift

     A woman with whom I occasionally interact through some of my work has been out of the office the past few weeks in anticipation of delivering her first baby.  Knowing the baby was due last week, I checked with her company and learned that she had a healthy baby boy!  I was able to get her home address and this evening I went out to select some baby books to send her along with a congratulations card.  OK, full disclosure here - my wife helped me pick out the books since she's an absolute expert on baby gifts!  Anyway, I know the gift will be a real surprise to her, and one that she will very much appreciate.  I boxed it all up tonight and will have it in tomorrow's mail.
     I always think mailing gifts is fun, particularly when the recipient would have no expectation that you would do so (not a family member or real close personal friend).  The unexpected nature of it makes it that much more special.  I find that doing things like this requires two things:  1) you have to pay attention enough to be aware of people's birthdays, graduations, births, and other special occasions; and 2) you have to make the effort to recognize the event.  Ultimately, it's just another way of saying that you care about the other person.

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