Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

Monday, July 23, 2012

Patience for Patients

     Today was my second (and final) week driving the patient I described last week to his doctor's appointment.  This week, of course, I knew more about what to expect - particularly as it relates to understanding his thick Nigerian accent.  He's a big sports fan, so we were quickly able to get into the debate about the severity of the sanctions levied upon Penn State, the start of the Eagles' training camp, tonight's Phillies' game, as well as the upcoming Olympics.  I also learned more about his family and the 29-year old autistic son who lives with him.
     Every time I do one of these drives I'm reminded of what a great program it truly is.  This man needed a ride to the doctor's for 20 consecutive days to receive his radiation treatment.  I literally don't know how he would have managed this without the American Cancer Society's Road to Recovery program.  Without a pretty strong support network, it's a lot to expect for anyone.  
     And candidly, as a driver, I benefit too.  I get to know interesting people who I would have otherwise never met, and I get the satisfaction of knowing I made an important difference at a critical time in their lives.  A pretty good deal all the way around.

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