Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogging from the Road

     For the next 10 days or so my blogging may be a bit sporadic as I'll be on a cruise in Europe and can't be sure of the reliability of internet access from day to day.  For now, I'm actually in Monte Carlo (!) and am able to get on the internet for the first time.
     I'm traveling with my sister and our first day was spent mostly flying through the night and arriving in Monte Carlo pretty jet lagged.  After getting into our hotel, napping, working out, and having a late dinner, I'm finally getting a chance to post this before bed.  I didn't see any particular great opportunities during the day today (to be honest, I was probably operating at half-speed), but didn't want to use traveling as an excuse for not honoring my kindness commitment.  Thankfully, as I've written about before, the internet can always be used to find ways to help people.  Tonight I decided to visit, and look for a wish I could grant.
    Choosing a woman in Massachusetts who is disabled mother of 3, I read about her need to buy summer clothes for her children.  I went online and bought her a gift card to Target and had it sent to her with a note from me.  
     In many respects it's a strange juxtaposition.  I'm at a hotel in one of the wealthiest areas in the world.  Parked in front are Ferraris, Bentleys, Lamborghinis, Rolls, are more.  And then I read about the real life struggles of people like the woman whose wish I helped to grant.  She (and many like her) struggle on a daily basis just to make ends meet in the most rudimentary kinds of ways.  Regardless of whether this contrast is "fair" or "right" or any other adjective we may want to choose, I think it's important to stay grounded in the reality of the challenges people face and to pitch in to help where we reasonably can.

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