Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An Anonymous Gift

     There are lots of good books I've read over the years and it's always fun to compare notes with people about some of their favorites, particularly the ones that have been most influential for them.  When I find a book that I especially like, it's fun to give it to people as a personal gift.  Today I decided to send one to someone anonymously.
     The book I chose to send this time is a great book that was written back in 1995 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (the Chicken Soup for the Soul guys).  Through lots of inspiring stories, the authors explore the power of asking for what we want in life.  They examine some of the reasons we typically don't ask, and provide plenty of ideas for overcoming this tendency.  It really is an amazingly simple, yet powerful concept.  I'd highly recommend it for anyone.
     Anyway, I ordered a copy of the book on Amazon and had it sent as a gift to someone I know.  I included a note saying that it was a gift from an anonymous friend, and I also added the line, "What can you do to make someone else's day today?" (That's my pay-it-forward reminder).  The person I sent it to is someone I only know very casually and will likely have absolutely no clue who the anonymous friend is.
     As usual with these types of acts of kindness, I'll likely never know how she reacted, but I have faith that she'll be positively affected by the book itself as well as the anonymous gesture; and hopefully she'll pay that kindness forward into the world.

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